About Alberta Men’s Network
The Alberta Men's Network (AMN) was formed out of the collaborative, community based research of the Alberta Men’s Survey (AMS). The AMS was created by over 70 men and women and over 18 organizations committed to enhancing men’s roles in violence prevention. The survey was dedicated in loving memory to Patrick Dillon, Manmeet Bhullar, and Andrew Mackenzie Robertson and solidified an inclusive network of individuals and organizations dedicated to supporting men’s well-being and ability to have healthy relationships.
Through our work and research, our network has identified six focus areas for our work with men:
1. Self-development: developing men’s capacities to act as agents of positive change
2. Support: supporting men and boys to heal from their own trauma and experiences with violence, to build the skills to engage in healthy and nurturing relationships, and to build the courage to stand up against violence.
3. Role Modelling: men acting as positive role models for other men and boys within families and communities.
4. Education: educating other men and boys on the issues of gender-equality, healthy masculinity and non-violence.
5. Outreach: dedicating efforts to preventing violence by engaging in various forms of action with both men and boys.
6. Promotion: promoting healthy masculinity and the positive roles of men in violence prevention.
AMN has produced numerous research briefs and actionable toolkits to help support service providers looking to organize and engage men for personal and social change regarding these focus areas. Crucial to guiding AMN’s work is our Antiracist and Anticolonial Lens. This “lens” or way of seeing the world coupled with our Consensus Protocol for decision making has allowed us to carry on with our mission since 2015, inviting diverse membership and stakeholders to the table to have collaborative and transformative conversations.