Toolkits & Community Briefs
This report highlights the development of a community-focused well-being workshop series for Latino-Canadian men and shares key participant outcomes. Rooted in AMN’s anti-colonial, anti-racist and feminist lens, the workshop explored concepts of wellness, healthy relationships, gender equity, immigration, domestic violence, and racism.
This report covers the Fathers & Daughters event held in Calgary in 2019.
This report covers the three healing circles led by AMN’s Cultural Knowledge Keeper, Elder Adrian Wolfleg in Calgary, AB.
Building on AMN’s foundational experience in the field and working with community partners, AMN developed a Foundational Training to advance our work with men. The training was in direct response to requests by Network members and community partners for capacity development and support in facilitating men’s groups and community dialogues on topics such as: domestic and sexual violence prevention, men’s wellbeing, healthy masculinities, gender-equity; migration and racism, healing and anticolonial perspectives.
Experiencing Masculinities was hosted in both Calgary and Edmonton in June 2018 by the Alberta Men’s Network and the Faculty of Social Work (FSW) at the University of Calgary, in collaboration with Alberta Network of Immigrant Women, Men’s Action Network Calgary, Men Edmonton, the City of Edmonton, Action Dignity, The University of Calgary, Women’s Resource Centre and numerous community leaders.
A growing body of literature suggests that gender inequality and violence work in tandem with other forms of oppression. In the area of gender inequality, rigid gender/sexuality stereotypes and expectations can have negative consequences for men and boys, as they do for women, girls, transgender and two-spirit peoples. This toolkit explains how AMN has approached this work through an intersectional lens to uncover strategies that engage organizations and communities to work against inequities in their various forms.
AMN has participated in an ongoing dialogue with various organizations and groups providing healthy relationships support to men throughout Alberta. The information contained in these toolkits is based on what we have learned from these groups along with insights from the Alberta Men’s Survey.
A toolkit for service providers to connect with people on the topic of masculinities from a variety of perspectives.
Men’s Action Network Calgary (MAN-C) developed this consensus decision-making protocol through our organizing work with men on healthy relationships and violence prevention. The Protocol is based on western social justice activism, Baha’i teachings and Indigenous-centered teachings. A few members created the Protocol and shared with members of MAN-C and later, Alberta Men’s Network for feedback and endorsement. We hope that this will be a useful resource for anyone involved in social justice organizing.
This handbook provides a quick overview of the building blocks to develop healthy and non-violent relationships and communities. It also gives community members some tools that they can use to become involved in violence prevention within their homes, communities, schools, faith communities and other places where they gather.
This project was an attempt to identify, explore and understand the capacities and resources required by a diverse population of Albertan men over 18 years of age; the research engaged men to investigate the strengths and challenges they experience related to well-being, healthy relationships and violence prevention.
The Alberta Men’s Survey (AMS) gathered responses on men’s well-being and relationships from over 2,214 men in 42 unique localities. This research brief focuses on the insights and experiences of 89 South Asian men living in Alberta, representing 4% of the total AMS respondents.